Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Thing 10, or part thereof

While waiting for a Merlin password, I started looking at some generators... some funnier than others, some easier to use than others. To express a deeply held personal belief, I generated an image of a chocolate bar imprinted "Food of the Gods," which was quite satisfying as well as etomologically accurate; but then somehow it didn't show up correctly on this post. I'll try again later - it should be doable, and I should be able to figure out what went wrong.

And speaking of figuring out how to do things, I'm finding that the collective learning aspect of "23 Things" is not always ideal in my branch. Those of us who are participating in the program have different schedules, so it's hard to get together. Also, most of us are at quite basic levels of computer expertise and the computers we tend to use for the program are those in quieter corners of the workrooms - i.e., the oldest ones in the building, which have some of their own expertise issues from time to time. Still, most of us are bumbling onward!

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