Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Thing 14 - Technorati

I've looked in Technorati and done some keyword searches for "Learning 2.0." The results for blog posts were more interesting to me... it was neat to recognize some fellow-BCPL bloggers' names. About the blog directory, which seems to go by blog names: what kind of non-imaginative person names his or her blog "Learning 2.0?" Probably some librarians' librarian, I'd think. I went back to investigate more thoroughly, but the page was temporarily inaccessible. Couldn't see a tab for a "tags" search. Will look again later.

One thing I noticed about the searches I did through the "Popular" page (top favorited blog, top searches, top blogs) is that they're mostly about topics I barely have heard of. Though I do have a Facebook site, and that was one of the top searches. One of the top blogs, also "top favorited" (I really dislike non-verbs used as verbs), was Engadget, and the first hits there included one in Spanish and one in Turkish. I was going to write "scratch a Turk and find a Tartar" should now be "scratch a Turk and find a blogger" since they're so online now, but I see that the phrase is actually, "scratch a Russian and find a Tartar." So much for clever writing. And it's really Tatar anyway.

I went back and fiddled with my blog profile; put in my birthdate and saw that it appeared as my astrological sign. Since I'm not mired in the false beliefs of ancient Babylon, I went back in and took it out! Maybe if I'd included the year it would have shown as a simple C.E. date?

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